Saturday, December 3, 2016

Gone is the time where you are forced to visit a local car dealership just to see available trims and options on a vehicle. Instead, you can actually build and design your own car through the company's website. This holds true for Mazda and its entire vehicle lineup. If you are looking at purchasing your own Mazda MX3 car it is a good idea to first see what all of your design options are going to cost.



    Open your Internet browser and head over to the Mazda website. Choose "Vehicles," then "Build a Vehicle."


    Type in your zip code, then select the five or four door model to bring up the design options.


    Click on the type of trim and the color of the vehicle you want, then choose the additional options you want, such as stereo upgrade, sunroof and extra fenders.


    Select "Summary" and you are shown a list of all the options you have on the vehicle and the price tag.


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