Monday, October 19, 2015

The Ford Aerostar was Ford's first attempt at marketing a minivan. After 11 years, Ford dropped the model and replaced it with the Windstar in 1997. Due to the age of the model, as well as the fact that Ford no longer makes parts for it, many Ford Aerostar vans that do go on the market are available for bargain prices. But in order to find a Ford Aerostar, you must first know where to look.

Used Car Dealers

    The most obvious place to start looking for a used Ford Aerostar would be the used car dealers around where you live. In most parts of the United States, there are dozens of used car lots within driving distance of any one place; many dealers have websites where they regularly update their vehicle stock. In addition, some dealers will work with you and look into procuring the vehicle you're looking for, so long as they are assured that you will pay for the vehicle.

Car Auctions

    Many used car dealers buy their vehicles for cheap from auctions. While many of the people who go to these auctions are dealership owners, the majority of these auctions are open to the public. The clear advantage is that you can buy cars for cheap, provided there isn't anyone else at the auction hall who wants the car as badly as you. The downside is that you have to pay for the car, in full, once you win the auction, so don't start bidding until you know how much you are willing to spend.

Classified Ads

    When all else fails, looking through the classified ads in newspapers and online can bear fruit in your search to find and buy a Ford Aerostar. While your local newspaper will have listings for people who are relatively close to your location, online sites such as Craig's List allow you to look through thousands of classified ads all throughout your state and anywhere else you're willing to travel to get your hands on this vehicle.


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