Friday, August 1, 2014

You would expect a new car on the dealer's lot to be in perfect condition. It is not normal for a new car on the lot to have a low battery. However, certain factors may drain the car's battery.

Electric Devices

    Most cars have several electric devices that draw on the vehicle's battery even while the engine is not running. Clocks and computers draw small amounts of electric current. Normally, the battery is charged enough while the vehicle is running to power these devices.

Battery Drain

    If a vehicle does not run for 30 days or more, the small drain from electronic devices may be enough to deplete the battery charge.


    If you purchase a new vehicle and the car cranks slowly or refuses to start, the battery may be low. In most cases, this problem will fix itself after driving for at least 10 or 20 minutes. The battery will be recharged while the car is running.


    Some dealerships make a practice of starting new vehicles on the lot every few weeks, and letting them run for a few minutes to charge the battery.


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