Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Diesel and gasoline fuels are the two most popular kinds of fuels for internal combustion engines. While diesel engines tend to be more efficient and better at hauling loads, gasoline engines are quieter and cleaner, and tend to have more horsepower, which allows for better acceleration.


    Both gasoline and diesel fuel are derived from petroleum. The refinement process for the creation of diesel is much simpler than gasoline's. Diesel tends to be more oily and heavier than gasoline. It also evaporates more easily, which is important for the fuel injection process.


    Both kinds of engines depend on internal combustion for power. A diesel engine creates combustion by injecting compressed air into the engine. The compression causes the air to heat to about 1,000 degrees F, which ignites the diesel fuel. In a gasoline engine, gasoline is ignited by an electrical spark.

Diesel Engines More Efficient

    Diesel engines get better mileage than gasoline engines for two reasons: diesel fuel contains more energy than gasoline, and a diesel engine injects fuel and air into a combustion chamber at a much higher rate of compression, which makes the fuel burn more efficiently than fuel in a gasoline engine.

Towing and Horsepower

    The design of a diesel engine requires a much heavier construction. This heavy engine, combined with the high amount of compression it uses to ignite fuel, means that the engine runs at a much lower rate of revolutions per minute (RPM). Because it runs at a lower RPM rate, the engine needs much less force to rotate the machinery that moves a diesel vehicle. Because the engine can move machinery with much less force than a gasoline engine, it is much better at making a towed object start moving.
    But while a diesel engine is good at moving an object with a small amount of force, it is not so good at generating a lot of horsepower. Gasoline engines produce much more horsepower, which means they accelerate much faster.


    Diesel engines tend to vibrate and make a lot more noise than gasoline engines, which can be extremely quiet if their exhaust and muffler systems are well-maintained. Diesel also tends to burn dirtier. It has high levels of sulfur, which creates an unpleasant smell. Diesel fuel also produces a lot of soot.


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